LOARN  —  Lake Oroville Amateur Radio Net

Welcome to KJ6LVV D-Star Repeater - 444.275  +5 Mhz  

The LOARN D-Star repeater is located at Lake Oroville’s Bidwell Canyon Marina and provides excellent coverage for a majority of the Lake and parts of Oroville, CA.  


This new generation D-Star compatible repeater does not use any Icom equipment.  It is built using commonly available Motorola Maxtrac radios, a Satoshi GMSK modem and a GTX ATOM based computer running David Lake’s StarGate software under the Centos Linux OS.


Using The Repeater


To configure your D-Star radio set the following call sign settings.


UR     =  Destination call sign, typically CQCQCQ



MY     =  Your call sign


The repeater is normally connected to D-Star reflector 14 C. This reflector is widely used as the Northern California hub for D-Star repeaters and hot spots.


You can link the LOARN repeater to any repeater or reflector on the D-Star network worldwide.  When you are done, please return the system to reflector 14 C

We don't expect donations nor are they required. However, if you feel the need to donate to maintaining KJ6LVV we appreciate your support.